Not so long ago I installed a MarineBeam tricolor/anchor/SOS light at the masthead and posted about how impressed I was with it's performance and pleased by the low ($99) price. Of course, whenever I extol the benefits of affordable priced boat gear I always get a few "You're an idiot", "You get what you pay for!" and "The more it costs the better it is!" emails telling me the cheap seats are not where the cool kids are supposed to hang out and I'll be an unhappy camper when it fails.
I'm not an unhappy camper and, in point of fact, I'm still doing the happy dance because my tricolor/anchor/SOS light is still shining bright even after enduring the worst that hurricane Maria could dish out with its 150+ MPH winds.
Good quality frugal gear works.
Listening to Tokyo Flashback
So it goes...