Tuesday, August 08, 2017

and in the "I always expect unexpected shit to happen" department...

Something interesting about money, a bit of seriously scary reading, and 5 tips that may come in handy...

It's "H" season and I, for one, tend to keep an eye on approaching weather. Like yesterday, where the forecast was "a bit of rain and not much in the way of wind".

That said, I'm a firm believer in the adage that most shit that happens is of the "WTF where did that come from?" variety. So, when the lightning/thunder arrived, wind picked up, and a deluge of truly Biblical proportions kicked in you might say I was not exactly surprised or worried.

It rained all night, the wind blew, and the lightning was so solidly intense that it had me wondering where I'd left my sunglasses.

The worst of it, for us, is that I'll have to bail out the dinghy and put off my morning task of coating wood and painting will have to wait for another day.

The power boat next to us was not so lucky...

Not sure exactly what happened to this catamaran but I expect I'll hear about it...

Listening to Molice

So it goes...