"I said I roll with the flow. Wherever it goes and it's rolling out of here..."
Michael Nesmith
I'm not really sure what the hell that actually means. There are a whole lot of things in mid-morph and the jury is apparently still out on what it will all look like at the end of the current metamorphosis.
That said, I'm pretty sure you could safely bet serious money on the fact that, however things turn out, that it ain't going to be pretty.
I've always been someone who embraces change, tries to keep a a positive attitude, and rely on the a deep-seated belief that, in spite ample evidence to the contrary, folks in general are basically good and, given half a chance, will tend to do the right thing. Admittedly it's getting a bit harder to support my SOP and avoid becoming mired in despair.
As it happens, boat work helps...
Today I'm going to cut down a mainsail and resew it. The good part is at the end of the day I'll have a new sail to play with and, for a given amount of time, my mind has been liberated from thinking about caustic subjects for an all too brief respite.
More about that later...
Listening to Jeffrey Foucault
So it goes...