Kurt Vonnegut on nuclear annihilation,
vicarious liability, and some not at all good news regarding clean water...
I like to row. Really, I find the repetition of the oar stroke combined with the sound of the water induces a kind of clarity that is both relaxing and helpful the thought process. Most of my best ideas tend to pop up when rowing or bicycling.
Which is not to say I'm against outboard motors and I have a 5HP stored on my pushpit because, from time to time, you might find yourself somewhere where an outboard is needful. Though the last time I found a n outboard needful on the dinghy was several years ago and in those years I've happily rowed several hundred miles or so in spite of the fact that, as a rule, half of that rowing has been into the wind and current.
Every once in awhile I consider putting the outboard on the dinghy but the hassle factor of the motor always seems to point to the conclusion that it's just more hassle than it merits.
I recently came across a new 1.5 HP motor that I'm considering replacing the 5HP with... It's tiny, light, and functional. Has sort of a weed-whacker vibe. Might make a lot of sense. Then again, stick an outboard on your transom and you get the outboard noise and lose the rhythmic concentration aid of rowing.
I expect I should row on it some...
Listening to Hazel English
So it goes...