In case you have not been paying attention, made in America, and about not being in the same boat at all...
People die everyday.
It's a kind of a bummer but it's all part of the process... You're born, you live for a finite amount of time and then, hey presto, you die. I don't think that I'm unusual in hoping that when I pass from this mortal coil I leave something of a positive legacy and that my passing is as painless and dignified as possible.
I mention this because just about every sailing related place on the frelling internet has just posted pictures of a mummified moldy guy who had the bad luck to sit down in his boat and then for reasons unknown at this point quit breathing and died.
Maybe it's just my take but the sharing photos of a dead guy on a boat fall into the National Enquirer mode of journalism and some kind of tacky. Truth be told, I expect better from folks like Sail, Latitude 38, Sailing Anarchy and others...
Maybe we have more freak show crap in store as, I expect, a pictorial series of sailors with humongous goiters might appeal to a certain type of reader and, as long as accidents are going to be part of sailing anyway, one might be able to increase traffic/sales by better coverage of the gruesome side of things like that woman who got her hand caught in the electric winch, the guy who had the heart attack and died at his masthead while changing a tricolor bulb, and, even better, that guy who died in his boat of a heart attack whose body swelled up so big in the heat that they had to cut a hole in the deck because they could not fit him through the companionway or any of the hatches. Death and dismemberment as entertainment just might be the next big thing.
Then again. folks are voting for Trump so why am I surprised?
Listening to Abdou El Omari
So it goes...