Winston a storm of note, a rather costly experiment in austerity, and just what does it say about us when a front-runner for president is enamoured of war crimes and atrocities...
So, this morning when I should have been writing this blog and having my second cup of coffee, a shitty green power boat waked us. The result was a good portion of the clean breakfast dishes wound up on the floor in pieces... Lots and lots of pieces. That said, I did keep the pancake batter from doing a Jackson Pollock on the port side of the boat.
Color me pissed off.
Of course, one expects this sort of thing from follicly-challenged folks who make up for penile deficiency with excessive horsepower boats, conspicuous consumption, and infantile boat handling skill sets.
Karma, I expect, will get around to taking its toll on the asshole sooner or later...
On the other hand, since we're speaking of wake-making assholes, there really is a special place in hell for those cruisers with Caribe RIBs and fifteen HP outboards who plow through anchorages pulling evil four-foot waves. You know the ones...
Listening to SHEL
So it goes...