I came across this line...
Owners are getting into their 60's and can not give it the attention it deserves
... in a recent boat ad for a 37-footer and I could not help but wonder just how often this particular scenario plays out.
Like death and taxes we're all getting older and the bigger the boat the more work and expense involved. Something we all should keep in mind because, as much as we'd all like to think we're exempt, it's simply laws of nature.
I've pretty much been around boats all my life and there used to be what passed for a normal evolution in a boaters life... You get a little boat, then a little bigger boat, hit a point where you get a bigger boat and so on till one day you start to reverse the process. Hopefully living long enough to get right back to a mirror image of that first little boat...
That said, most of the folks who write me asking about boats for retirement are not asking about smaller boats at all but more along the lines of fifty-foot behemoths or bigger with all the toys, bells, and whistles.
Which is not to say I don't grok the appeal of a BFB but, every time I'm tempted by a significently larger boat, the smart half of my brain starts showing me images/scenarios of just how much more work, hassle, and expense is involved. By the time it comes down to doing the need/want part of the decision making process I'm already ready to stay with the boat I have or start considering an even smaller or simpler boat.
But, that's just how my mind works...
Listening to The Sandwitches
So it goes...