Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Just another day in the greed zone...

Metastasized global economy pretty much says it all, just about the profit, and in the "poisonous corrosive man" department...

A reader sent me a link this morning to this...
...wanting to know if it was a good deal.

Now, I could easily insert a whole lot of snark here, go off on a rant of epic proportions, or simply acknowledge that, in point of fact, that the quote most often attributed to Mr Barnum (that he most likely never said) would be spot on.

Instead I'll just answer the question...

West Marine sells it for $299.99 and Defender sells it for $235.99 so the one you're inquiring about is not really a good deal and, if you're going to spend your money foolishly, you're better off giving it to the folks at Defender.

Then again, if you want something that does the same job just as well for a non-stupid price like this one...

Just $13
Really, just how stupid do they think we are?

Listening to some interesting versions of Sloop John B

So it goes...