So, with the Black Friday orgy of consumer excess and debauchery just around the corner, I've been looking at the need/want list to see if I happen to actually need anything for "So It Goes" that might actually get discounted enough to buy.
Which is why I went and checked out West and Defender yesterday and came away from the experience saying to myself...
What sort of idiot do they think I am?
That's actually a good question because it's very apparent that they really don't seem to hold their customers in a very high regard these days.
Anyway, the only thing that's really on my want list is an AIS transponder... Not so much because I actually need such a thing (I already have an AIS receiver) but the fact that Thailand now requires an AIS transponder for anyone cruising their waters so it's only a matter of time till other cruising destinations follow suit to join the fraternity of police states needing to monitor me 24/7/365.
Kind of a bummer that...
With the prospect of being forced to buy required expensive electronics in the not too far distant future it seems semi-sensible to buy one now before the prices go way the fuck up.
Listening to 4th Coming
So it goes...