When I mentioned Wharram yesterday I knew it would provoke a flurry of response pointing me to newer supposedly more advanced cats and designers. Which is interesting because if I were to mention Herreshoff (which I did earlier in the week) no one writes in to point me to newer supposedly more advanced monohulls and designers.
Something of a conundrum that...
The thing is, I really would like to see some more catamaran designs by other designers evolving from the Wharram concepts because I think a lot of what passes for modern multihull design is based on a number of questionable decisions made thirty years ago or so which had nothing to do with seaworthiness and everything to do with making money. A look back at paths not taken could revolutionize catamaran design and a little revolution would be no bad thing in my opinion.
What can I say but when greed takes over common sense, real innovation tends to fall by the wayside...
Listening to the Beach Boys
So it goes...