Today's Archdruid report actually made me catch my breath with two words from the title...
"Involuntary Simplicity"
Adding the word "involuntary" to the word "simplicity" makes a world of difference and, as someone who is hopefully making strides towards a more simple lifestyle, it made me sit up and take notice.
For instance, there's a huge difference between choosing to go engineless and being forced to go engineless beause your engine packed up and died. The person who chooses to go engineless is prepared, one way or another, to deal with such things as no wind, lee shores, and suchlike. On the other hand, the guy who uses his engine on a regular basis find the loss of said engine disruptive at best...
A lot of people tend to shy away from simpler boats or boat systems because they tend to think of them as doing without needful things rather than the act of simply losing things they don't really need at all.
Listening to Bob Delevante
So it goes...