Obviously he has our best interests at heart, a bit of silver lining, and about some guy getting a marginally fair trial in an open court...
In today's mailbag there was something from the yachting press about a guy planning to sail across the Atlantic in a boat...
Ooh, exciting!
Actually... I don't have anything against a guy sailing a Mini across an ocean and, as far as I'm concerned, raising some money for charity while you're at it is worth a few Brownie points and an attaboy. But it's not exactly going to impress anyone.
Well... maybe if you write for a sailing magazine and your idea of high adventure is your yearly bareboat charter in the BVI.
Nope, what really gets up my nose is the folks of the so-called yachting press treating it like it was some unprecedented feat of daring do. It's not...
A little historical perspective will tell anyone who cares to check that hundreds of people have managed to safely cross the Atlantic alone in Mini Transat boats. So the whole doing-it-alone-in-a-6.5 meter-boat is hardly newsworthy.
I know it shows I'm simply in a rather grumpy mood this morning but if I wanted to raise $40,000 for charity and had a Mini, it would be a lot easier to simply sell the boat and give the proceeds to a charity of my choice... That would actually impress me.
Done deal.
Listening to Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-Roller
So it goes...
Lucky & Tough
2 days ago