Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Science or conjecture...

Well, this is nuts, about “Incestuous amplification”, and a non-profit org doing something worthwhile...

It's funny, but ever since I read the Krugman post about incestuous amplification the  definition of the words have been buzzing around in my head...
n. The reinforcement of set beliefs among like-minded people, leading to miscalculations and errors in judgment.
... as it seems to be such an apt description of how sailboat design works.

Here's a couple of hints...
Blue water = deep keel
Gaff rig can't sail to weather.
For those who prefer science to conjecture, I've often recommended "Aero-Hydrodynamics of Sailing" by Tony Marchaj. Not exactly an easy read but certainly worthwhile as it is the only text on the subject that is based on the scientific method. His "Seaworthiness : The Forgotten Factor" and "Sailing Theory and Practice" are must reads and free of the dread incestuous amplification so should be a real eye-opener...

Listening to Peter Gallagher

So it goes...