Having a blog related to boat stuff of the sailing variety leads to various interesting, as well as, surprising conversations...
For instance, whenever I post something related to electric propulsion it's a given that I will get at least a few folks writing in to explain to me the error of my ways.
"The technology is simply not there yet..."Is the most common argument. I won't go in to why the technology IS there for some of us but, suffice to say that this sort of discussion is a staple of the mailbag.
There are any number of other thoughts/rants/opinions on the subject as well but they pale when compared to this one...
"An electric drive might work for you, but, where I live, I have to have an engine because I have to be able to motor against wind and tide on a regular basis..."Is it just me or is there something wrong with that last statement?
Now, since I'm currently in the Caribbean where tides are tiny, I'll be the first to admit that I don't often find myself fighting to windward against a seven knot tide. Then again, when I sailed places where extreme tides were a regular part of the equation I never sailed against extreme tides either...
Why not, you ask?
Well, just maybe, because that would be a seriously dumb pastime and, while I'll admit to being less than bright from time to time, sailing (or motoring) against wind and tide is akin to beating your head against a wall and where is the fun factor in that?
The thing is, tides are a known factor so they are a big part of the navigation matrix and if you don't use them to your advantage you're not so much navigating as you are flailing (which is sort of the sailing version of fishing with a club).
Which is why the whole "I need a big engine because I regularly do stupid stuff" is not an argument that gets taken too seriously around here.
Listening to King Tuff
So it goes...