The other day I read an article that said something to the effect that the cost per watt of solar panels was at an all time low and that prices were still dropping...
Since I had bought a couple of solar panels (which are excellent!) about this time last year for $1.98 per watt, I thought I'd do some checking!
So, looking over at West Marine I see that their best cost per watt seems to be about $4.49... Ouch!
How about Defender who most agree is more likely to make frugal folks happy? Well, I have to admit being surprised as the best price here was a whopping $5.69 per watt
I checked a few other "marine" sources and the prices were even higher. Kind of depressing actually, but it would seem that it's a safe bet if you're buying solar from a marine store you're paying at least twice as much or more (in some case a LOT MORE!).
I then checked Home Depot, Amazon, and Lowes and the best price solar wise seems to be right in that $1.98 per watt niche.
For those who are saying to themselves...
"Ah, but those panels are special marine panels specially designed for mounting on boats in extreme conditions so they should cost more".Nope, I checked. Most of those panels are the same ones as sold at Amazon/Home Depot/Lowes/etc and the only difference is the mark up.
As it happens, the panels we bought last year no longer seem to be available at Amazon but these seem to be a reasonable facsimile for $1.98 per watt.
So, while I keep hearing that solar keeps coming down, I'm not seeing it in boat-size friendly panels and, it would seem, that from marine stores there has actually been a jump in price. Yet another reason to not support the marine industry.
Listening to Les Rita Mitsouko
So it goes...