A quick heads-up to some cops Zatoichi is a fictional character, an interesting requirement of being a Christian I was unaware of, and an open letter some folks should read...
I got some mail the other day from a company that makes water slides,
inflatable pools, and other such silliness for the mega-yacht market...
Apparently it's simply no longer enough fun to have a
gazillion-dollar-250-foot-diesel-guzzling-yacht so you need to turn it
into a theme park as well.
On "So It Goes" we're currently trying to lose all things that are in
excess to our needs and counterproductive to its 1969 waterline, so
you can kinda see how the ideas of inflatable Olympic size pools and
giant slides for use in an anchorage has me somewhat bemused...
The trouble is, in the whole trying to regain that svelte 1969 waterline is that it's one thing to apply the need/want equation to something
you want to bring on to the boat and it's another thing entirely to
apply it to something you already have on the boat that entails throwing
away something that is perfectly good and serviceable (that you never
actually use).
Luckily we have a thrift shop we can donate stuff to in aid of the local
animal charity but it's not like they get all excited about a couple of
perfectly good but mismatched coffee cups, some "seemed like a good
idea at the time" wonder tools, and books that won't get read again. The
downside of dropping stuff off at the thrift shop is that, more often
than not, some bric-a-brac or thingy cries out to be brought back to "So
It Goes" and you never know, stranger things have happened, but I might
even be able to find a cast off mega-yacht superslide...
Listening to Beau Jocque
So it goes...