Some seriously scary reading, on pulling punches, and some numbers worth noting...
Since we are currently doing battle to reclaim the original as new water line of "So It Goes" we are making a real effort to shed as many books as possible in favor of various e-book formats. It's not that we won't have "real" books on the boat in the future but that those "real" books will have to show they earn their keep... One thing for sure, our Nook and Kindle are already earning their keep!
For instance, "The Gougeon Brothers On Boat Construction" is a big heavy book but, while I'd prefer to have it as an e-book, it does earn its keep. Anyone doing epoxy and wood/epoxy/glass projects or repairs will find its presence on the bookshelf both helpful and comforting.
Some other books that more than earn their keep are "The Sailor's Sketchbook" by Bruce Bingham, "Boat Joinery and Cabinet Making" by Fred Bingham, "Buehler's Backyard Boatbuilding" by George Buehler, and Parker's "The New Cold-Molding Boatbuilding"... All books which I have actually used to the point of wearing them out and had to replace at one time or another.
In putting together this list I was quite happy to see that "The Sailmaker's Apprentice" by Emiliano Marino and "The Complete Rigger's Apprentice" by Brion Toss are now available on Kindle. My current print copy of Rigger's Apprentice has reached the point where it is being held together by rubber bands and tape... You might say there is a difference between shopworn and boat-shopworn!
Listening to the Faces
So it goes...
So here we sit…
3 days ago