Why putting our health care in the hands of the insurance companies sucks, why maybe some folks running things should not be, and some scary shit...
Yesterday I picked up a couple more James Hall books ("Mean High Tide" and "Hard Aground") for the Kindle as they seem to have them cheap at the moment... I really like having an author's complete series output and the Kindle allows you to cart around books that you know you'll want to reread down the line.
I was first introduced to James W. Hall and his character Thorn when I was dead broke in Paris and came upon a galley proof of his book "Under Cover of Daylight" at Shakespeare & Co for a couple of Francs... So broke in fact, that the decision to buy the book was of the "if I buy this book I'll have to skip lunch" sort of thing.
Skipping lunch that day was the right decision...
Listening to Steam Powered Giraffe
So it goes...
So here we sit…
3 days ago