Worth a listen, what living under an aristocracy looks like, a tidbit from the "Born in the USA" files, and the scariest story to come out of Florida in a while...
I just realized that whomever I loaned my copy of "Voyaging on a Small Income" to never bothered to return it and it's a book I actually refer to from time to time... The bummer is that, sadly, it is not available in an E-Book for my Kindle or Nook (by the way I have not gotten around to doing the Nook hack but as soon as I do I'll let you know how it goes).
Getting rid of books I don't need and replacing a lot of needful ones with e-books has gone a long way towards restoring the waterline of "So It Goes"... I just wish more marine publishers would get on the e-book bandwagon.
Might not hurt to let some of those publishers know that e-books make a lot of sense on boats...
Oh yeah. I just finished the second season of "Justified" on DVD and it is the only Elmore Leonard derived series that does justice to his work... Can't wait till season three comes out on DVD!
Listening to Dexys Midnight Runners
So it goes...