Lefsetz says goodbye to Davy Jones and makes an important point in the process, about that "center", and the politics of food...
As it happens, I was reading the new Latitude 38 last night (available as a free download) and as usual it was well worth my time...
The article in this issue that is something of a must read is "Budget Cruising... On the other side of the world" which talks about cruising a section of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand). It certainly had me thinking about raising the anchor and heading off into the sunrise.
On a semi-related subject, my friend in the Philippines just sent me a note with the current pricing of marine plywood in his neck of the woods and the only word that springs to mind is YOWZA! Even more attractive is WEST system epoxy is just about the same as stateside prices and there are local, less expensive options...
Sounds like a very good place to build a boat!
Do I detect a rather cunning plan in the offing?
Listening to Judee Sill
So it goes...